

Implementation Progress (of TSMS)

29/04/2024 Cancellation of the public procurement process for Section 1 of the Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Development of a network consisting of fixed and mobile spectrum monitoring stations, a wireless digital voice communication network and a wireless data network”
10/06/2022 Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Procurement of Ultra-Light Handheld Spectrum Monitoring Receivers”
15/04/2022 EETTs Responses on the comments received during the Public Consultation on the Open Tender Draft Document for the Project “Procurement of Light Handheld Spectrum Monitoring Receivers for high frequencies”
11/12/2021 Public Consultation on the Open Tender Draft Document for the project “Procurement of Ultra Light Handheld Spectrum Monitoring Receivers “
20/09/2021 Correction of requirements and extension for the submission of offers concerning the Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Development of a network consisting of fixed and mobile spectrum monitoring stations, a wireless digital voice communication network and a wireless data network”
11/08/2021 Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Procurement, Installation and Commissioning of a Fixed Direction Finding HF Station”
09/08/2021 Correction of requirements in the tender document of the Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Development of a network consisting of fixed and mobile spectrum monitoring stations, a wireless digital voice communication network and a wireless data network”
04/08/2021 Announcement of a new extension for the submission of offers concerning the Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Development of a network consisting of fixed and mobile spectrum monitoring stations, a wireless digital voice communication network and a wireless data network”
23/07/2021 Correction of requirements in the tender document of the Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Development of a network consisting of fixed and mobile spectrum monitoring stations, a wireless digital voice communication network and a wireless data network”
08/07/2021 Announcement of extension for the submission of offers concerning the Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Development of a network consisting of fixed and mobile spectrum monitoring stations, a wireless digital voice communication network and a wireless data network”
19/05/2021 Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Development of a network consisting of fixed and mobile spectrum monitoring stations, a wireless digital voice communication network and a wireless data network”
18/05/2021 Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Procurement, Installation and Commissioning of a network of Digital Video and Digital Audio Broadcasting Quality Measurement stations”
12/03/2021 Announcement of extension for the submission of offers concerning the Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Procurement, Installation and Commissioning of a Fixed Direction Finding HF Station”
10/02/2021 EETTs Responses on the comments received during the Public Consultation on the Open Tender Draft Document for the Project “Development of a network consisting of fixed and mobile spectrum monitoring stations, a wireless digital voice communication network and a wireless data network”
02/02/2021 Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Procurement, Installation and Commissioning of a Fixed Direction Finding HF Station”
27/01/2021 Amendments in the tender documents of the Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Procurement of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles where portable spectrum monitoring equipment will be installed” and extension of the time frame for the submission of the offers4/span>
23/12/2020 EETT’s Responses on the comments received during the Public Consultation on the Open Tender Draft Document for the Project “Procurement and Installation of a Stationary Direction Finding HF Station”
22/12/2020 Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Procurement of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles where portable spectrum monitoring equipment will be installed”
03/11/2020 Public Consultation on the Open Tender Draft Document for the Project “Development of a network consisting of fixed and mobile spectrum monitoring stations, a wireless digital voice communication network and a wireless data network”
10/08/2020 Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Procurement, Installation and Commissioning of a network of Digital Video and Digital Audio Broadcasting Quality Measurement stations”
06/08/2020 Public Consultation on the Open Tender Draft Document for the Project “Procurement and Installation of a Stationary Direction Finding HF Station”
06/08/2020 Public Consultation on the Open Tender Draft Document for the Project “Procurement of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles where portable spectrum monitoring equipment will be installed”
10/07/2020 EETTs Responses on the comments received during the Public Consultation on the Open Tender Draft Document for the Project “Procurement and Installation of a Digital Video and Digital Audio Broadcasting Quality Measurements Network”
07/05/2020 EETT’s Responses on the comments received during the Public Consultation on the Open Tender Draft Document for the Project “Procurement of Transportable Direction Finding systems in conjunction with Spectrum Monitoring Receivers”
15/04/2020 Public Consultation on the Open Tender Draft Document for the Project “Procurement and Installation of a Digital Video and Digital Audio Broadcasting Quality Measurements Network”
24/03/2020 Public Consultation on the Open Tender Draft Document for the project “Procurement of Transportable Direction Finding systems in conjunction with Spectrum Monitoring Receivers”
20/03/2020 EETTs Responses on the comments received during the Public Consultation on the Open Tender Draft Document for the Project &ldquoProcurement of Light Handheld Spectrum Monitoring Receivers”
20/03/2020 EETTs Responses on the comments received during the Public Consultation on the Open Tender Draft Document for the Project “Procurement of Handheld Spectrum Analyzer Systems”
23/12/2019 Public Consultation on the Open Tender Draft Document for the Project “Procurement of Light Handheld Spectrum Monitoring Receivers”
14/11/2019 Public Consultation on the Open Tender Draft Document on the Open Tender Draft Document for the Project “Procurement of Handheld Spectrum Analyzer Systems”
02/04/2019 Notice for an open online tender procedure for the award of the consulting services contract with the title: “Provision of Consulting Services to EETT with regard to the notice for an open International Online Tender for the project “Development of an innovative Extended Spectrum Monitoring System for boosting entrepreneurship in the electronic communications sector””
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