Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Procurement of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles where portable spectrum monitoring equipment will be installed”
The object of the tender is the procurement of:
1) Four (4) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (hereinafter: “UAV”) with the respective ground control stations and all the necessary equipment and software. On the four UAVs, the Contractor will install spectrum monitoring equipment, which will be delivered by the Contracting Authority and which will be fully and transparently remote controlled from the ground, by workstations that will be offered by the Contractor in the framework of this Project. Spectrum monitoring software will be delivered by the Contracting Authority.
2) One (1) remote controlled UAV, which will carry a high-resolution photo-video camera, with the respective ground control station and all the necessary equipment and software.
3) Theoretical and practical training services (according to the existing National Regulations) for the acquisition of a UAV pilot license. The training must be provided by a certified training center, which will also undertake the support of the licensing procedures.
4) Maintenance and support services for both the Warranty Period and the Maintenance Period (five (5) years after the end of the Warranty Period)
Tender documents (in greek)
Amendments in the tender documents and extension of the time frame for the submission of the offers