If you are experiencing a problem with a postal service provider, follow the steps below to resolve it.
First, you are advised to refer to EETT’s Consumer Guides on postal services and the Charter of Obligations towards Consumers (COC).
Step 1: Contact the company
Contact the company directly to inform them about the problem. This process is part of the amicable settlement, i.e. an attempt between yourself and the company to resolve the issue either based on the conditions of transport with which you agreed upon assigning the dispatch or by common consent.
For your convenience, you are advised to keep a record of the voucher copy and any documents might, in your opinion, help the investigation of the issue.
Step 2: If the problem has not been resolved, you should ask that the dispute resolution procedure is activated
If the company has not responded or the problem has not been resolved, you have the right to request the convening of the Dispute Resolution Committee, which consists of a company representative and a consumer representative. In addition, you have the right to attend the Committee’s meeting. The Committee is obliged to send you its findings report.
You have the right to file a complaint with the company within six (6) months from the date of dispatch of the postal item.
As far as the above-mentioned steps are concerned, the company is obliged to resolve the issue within 20 calendar days from the receipt of your complaint. If additional information is needed, the 20-day period applies again.
Step 3: If the problem has yet to be resolved, file a written complaint with EETT
If you are not satisfied with the decision taken by the Dispute Resolution Committee or the company has not resolved the issue, you can submit a complaint to EETT, by filling out the online complaint form.
More information is available in the Regulation on dispute resolution procedures (available in Greek).
Important note:
- EETT does not examine complaints which are either anonymous/unsigned or vague/manifestly unfounded.
- EETT examines complaints only on condition that you have previously followed Steps 1 and 2 and the issue has not been resolved.
- For claims that are not provided for in the Charter of Obligations to Consumers, you may refer the matter to other Independent Authorities (e.g. the Hellenic Consumers’ Ombudsman) to seek an out-of-court resolution of your problem or you may refer the case to civil courts.