The Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT), as the National Regulatory Authority (NRA), exercises the following responsibilities in the sectors of electronic communications, radio frequency spectrum and postal services. In this context, EETT:
Electronic communications
- Regulates (in particular, by defining and analyzing the relevant markets in Greece), supervises and monitors the electronic communications market.
- Exercises all tasks relating to General Authorizations and issues relevant regulations, in particular on the procedure for submitting a registration declaration, the conditions applicable to the provision of services under General Authorization and the imposition of administrative fees. At the same time, it maintains and manages the Registry of Electronic Communication Network and Service Providers.
- Manages the National Numbering Plan.
- Assigns [.gr] and [.ελ] domain names.
- Issues Codes of Conduct for the provision of electronic communications networks and services as well as associated facilities and services.
- Regulates issues relating to the provision of the Universal Service, number portability, electronic signatures, access and interconnection.
- Conducts on-site checks of the providers’ compliance with the electronic communications legislation.
- Conducts audits on the cost accounting systems of providers with relevant obligations.
- Issues guidelines and recommendations and imposes fines or other administrative penalties in the event of infringements of electronic communications legislation.
- Has extensive responsibilities for collecting technical, financial or legal information/data from undertakings active in the sectors within the limits of its competence, which is required for monitoring their compliance with the specific legal/regulatory framework of electronic communications.
- Regulates issues related to consumer protection.
- Maintains data records that provide an overview of the electronic communications market in Greece.
- Contributes to the out-of-court resolution of disputes between providers.
- May conduct geographical surveys of the reach of electronic communications networks capable of delivering broadband services.
- Cooperates with all national public authorities on issues of common interest as well as with the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), NRA of other EU member states or third countries, in addition to European and international bodies.
- Represents Greece in BEREC and contributes actively to the body’s work with a. view to promoting and accomplishing set objectives.
- Regulates issues concerning Οpen Ιnternet Αccess and is responsible for assessing and closely monitoring market-shaping and competition issues regarding Open Internet access.
Radio frequency spectrum
- Manages the commercial radio frequency spectrum with the exception of the radio and television spectrum. In this respect EETT:
- Determines the radio frequency bands for which rights of use are required.
- Grants, revokes or restricts the radio spectrum rights of use and imposes the relevant spectrum fees.
- Launches tender procedures for granting radio spectrum rights of use and numbers.
- Maintains the National Frequency Register.
- Awards the licenses for land-based antenna constructions.
- Supervises and monitors radio spectrum usage, imposing relevant penalties.
- Investigates citizens’ complaints in violation of the applicable legislation on the installation and operation of antenna constructions, imposing relevant penalties.
- Is the competent authority for issues relating to the placing on the market and use of radio equipment. In this context, it monitors economic operators and imposes penalties.
Postal services
- Regulates, supervises and monitors the postal services market.
- Exercises all tasks relating to both Individual and General Authorizations and issues relevant regulations, in particular on the procedure for submitting a registration declaration, the conditions applicable to the provision of services under General Authorization and the imposition of administrative fees. At the same time, it maintains and manages the postal operators Registry.
- Has a supervisory role.
- Issues Codes of Conduct for the provision of postal services.
- Regulates issues relating to the provision of the Universal Service.
- Approves the cost accounting system of the Universal Service Provider (USP).
- Conducts on-site checks of the providers’ compliance with the postal services legislation.
- Issues guidelines and recommendations and also imposes fines or other administrative penalties in the event of infringements of legislation on the provision of postal services.
- Has extensive responsibilities for collecting technical, financial or legal information/data from undertakings active in the sectors within the limits of its competence, which is required for monitoring their compliance with the specific legal/regulatory framework of the postal services market.
- Regulates matters relating to consumer protection.
- Maintains data records that provide an overview of the postal services market in Greece.
- Contributes to the out-of-court resolution of disputes.
- Cooperates with the European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP), the NRA of other EU member states or third countries, in addition to EU, European and international bodies.
Constitutes the exclusive competition authority in the above markets of its competence. On this basis, ΕΕΤΤ:
- Enforces the provisions of Law 3959/2011 (Official Gazette 93/Α/2011) on the protection of competition (as amended by Law 4886/2022 (Official Gazette 12/A/2022), the provisions of Articles 101 and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (C 202/2016), as well as the Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the implementation of the rules on competition.
- Issues directives and recommendations, imposes, on an exclusive basis, fines and other administrative penalties on companies acting in the electronic communications sectors, in accordance with the legislation in force, including the penalties and sanctions foreseen in Law 3959/2011, and refers the infringers to the relevant judicial authorities.
- Has extensive competences for collecting technical, financial/economic or legal information (data) from undertakings acting in the sectors of its competence, which are required in order to properly supervise their compliance with the competition legislation.