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Title Date Icon 20/01/2025

Annual Report 2023: Summary of actions

EETT has published its “Annual Report 2023: Summary of actions” which briefly presents the authority’s work throughout the year. In 2023, EETT, as the regulatory authority and competent competition authority for the electronic communications and postal services markets, carried out significant actions and interventions, ensuring the proper functioning of the two markets and the optimal utilization of the radio spectrum. At the same time, EETT developed initiatives for the benefit of consumers and implemented informative actions to increase their awareness.

ΕΕΤΤ focused its actions on the following key areas:

  • The citizen at the centre of EETT actions.
  • Reliable and affordable communications for everyone.
  • Creating a favorable environment for investments.
  • Ensuring the proper functioning of markets and services.
  • Co-shaping international developments.
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