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Title Date Icon 10/08/2020

Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Procurement, Installation and Commissioning of a network of Digital Video and Digital Audio Broadcasting Quality Measurement stations”


Objective of the tender is : a) the procurement, installation and commissioning of quality
measurement stations mainly for the DVB-T/T2 service and secondarily for the DAB+ service in
Greece, b)  the provision of training services to Contracting Authority’s technicians in the
use of equipment and maintenance, and c) support services for the warranty period.

The DVB-T/T2 quality measurement network will consist of 20 stations from which 15 will be
permanently installed in given locations around Greece, whilst the remaining 5 stations will be
temporarily installed by the Contracting Authority in selected areas around the country in order to
periodically conduct measurements or in order to investigate cases of interference..

The stations should be able to perform RF and quality measurements of digital TV channels. Each
station should employ four receivers in order to be capable of monitoring 4 digital TV channels
simultaneously and also to perform round-robin measurements of a defined list of channels.

A TV reception antenna, cabling, 4G router and the appropriate software to support the set of
required measurements and connectivity, should accompany every station.

The network of measuring stations will be accessed and controlled by a server, located in EETT’s
headquarters, via 4G network. The server will give to EETT’s operators full access and control of
the stations, it will gather their measurement results, alarms and digital content and will also be
capable of processing and storing them accordingly.

Finally, two DAB+ quality measurement stations will be installed in the vehicles of EETT and
will be controlled through laptops provided in the context of this tender. The stations should
perform RF and quality measurements of digital Radio channels.


Procedure Documents
(in Greek)

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