Signing of the Contract “Supply of a Satellite Communications Spectrum Monitoring System (SEFD)”
The Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) announces the signing of a contract with EDIL TECHNIKI VIOMICHANIKI ATEBE for the “Supply of a Satellite Communications Spectrum Monitoring System (SEFD)”, after the completion of an Open International Tender. The contract concerns the overall physical and financial scope of the Act of the same name, which is entering now the implementation phase. The Act is part of the Operational Program “Competitiveness Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020” and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and National Resources.
The price of the contract amounts to five million six hundred sixty-seven thousand ninety-eight euros and fifteen cents (€ 5,667,098.15) including VAT.
The scope of the Contract is the implementation of a fixed monitoring station of the frequency spectrum used in satellite communications consisting of reflector type antennas, an RF system connecting the antennas with the measuring equipment, a transmitter geolocation system, hardware and software for recording, processing, and storing received data and displaying the measurement results, a monitoring and control system of the station and an autonomous power supply system, the commissioning of the station, staff training as well as the provision of support and maintenance services for a period of five (5) years in addition to the two-year Good Operation Guarantee period.
The Satellite Monitoring Station named “ΕΟS” marks EETT’s entry into satellite/space communications and will incorporate the most innovative technologies, processes and applications and the most modern software tools in the field of satellite spectrum monitoring offered by ATOS, one of the leading companies in the field.
This system will ensure the ability to record and control satellite emissions to the Greek Territory, the effective treatment of interference issues with satellite networks, the control of the inappropriate use of the rare resource of satellite frequencies while also promoting international cooperation in space issues.
With the completion of SEFD, EETT seeks to better exercise its responsibilities on satellite spectrum issues, for the benefit of the business and research environment as well as to cultivate innovation in the field of electronic communications based on satellite broadband networks. Thus, SEFD will contribute to the economic development and the drawing up of the country’s space policy, while ensuring the national interests.
Finally, the evaluation of the data that will result from the operation of the SEFD will strengthen the ability of EETT to provide consulting services in a number of sectors of the national economy supporting other relevant State bodies in the policy making and the undertaking of strategic initiatives
Find more information on the “SEFD” Act
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