Public Consultation on the amendment of the Regulation on defining the performance targets for the provision of the universal service
The National Telecommunications and Post Commission is launching a public consultation on the
amendment of the Regulation on defining the performance targets for the provision of the universal
The consultation document is available through the following link:
Public Consultation on the amendment of the Regulation on defining the performance targets for
the provision of the universal service
The National Telecommunications and Post Commission is seeking the views and comments of
stakeholders on the proposed document. The consultation period is from 8/4 to 25/5/2020. The
responses should be submitted stating the author’s details and affiliation, in Greek or English
language, in electronic format, no later than 25/5/2020. Anonymous responses will not be taken into
consideration. The responses will be published unedited. In case the responses contain confidential
elements, they should be placed in a special Annex, so that they will not be published.
The responses to the public consultation should be marked as follows:
Public Consultation on the amendment of the Regulation on defining the performance targets for
the provision of the universal service
Responses should be submitted at the following address:
During the public consultation process, explanatory answers will be provided by EETT in response
to interested parties’ questions. These questions should be submitted only through the electronic
mail address
uso@eett.gr and should contain the author’s
details and affiliation.
The public consultation document is not binding on the forthcoming EETT regulatory actions on
this matter.