Notice for an open online tender procedure
Notice for an open online tender procedure for the award of the consulting services contract
with the title: “Provision of Consulting Services to EETT with regard to the notice for an
open International Online Tender for the project “Development of an innovative Extended Spectrum
Monitoring System for boosting entrepreneurship in the electronic communications sector””
1) The scope of this tender process is to select a Contractor to provide
consultancy services to EETT for the preparation of the technical part of the Tender Notice for an
international open online Tender Procedure to procure a modern Spectrum Monitoring System, which
will include among others:
- Fixed Monitoring Stations (FMS) which will be installed both within and outside the urban areas
in various regions of Greece. - Mobile Monitoring Stations
- Data network based om microwave links
2) The estimated total value of the contract amounts to one hundred and forty
thousand euros (€140,000) plus the corresponding VAT.
Notice for an open online tender procedure for the award of the consulting services contract