Extension to the deadline of the Public Consultation on the OTE’s Reference Interconnection Offer, according to EETT Decision 714/009/10-4-2014
EETT announces the extension to the deadline for the submission of responses to the Public
Consultation on the OTE’s Reference Interconnection Offer, according to EETT Decision
Interested parties should submit their responses in printed and in electronic format to
uso@eett.gr until October 14, 2014.
The responses to the public consultation should be marked as follows:
Public Consultation on the OTE’s Reference Interconnection Offer, according to EETT Decision
Responses should be submitted at the following address:
EETT offices,
60 Kifissias Avenue,
151 25 Marousi,
Athens, Greece (7th floor),
Tel: +30 210 6151000
Fax: +30 210 6105049
Email: rio@eett.gr
During the public consultation process, explanatory answers will be provided by EETT in response
to interested parties’ questions. These questions should be submitted only through the
electronic mail address
rio@eett.gr and should contain the author’s details and
The public consultation document is not binding on the forthcoming EETT regulatory actions on
this matter.