Announcement of new extension for the submission of offers concerning the Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Satellite Communication Spectrum Monitoring Station”
Announcement of new extension for the submission of offers concerning the Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Satellite Communication Spectrum Monitoring Station”
The Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) announces a twenty eight (28) days new extension to the deadline for offers submission concerning the Open International Electronic Tender for the Project “Satellite Communication Spectrum Monitoring Station”. The deadline for the submission of offers is rescheduled from the 9th August 2021 to the 6th September 2021, 15.00. The electronic opening through the National Electronic Public Procurement System (ESIDIS) is respectively rescheduled from the 10th August 2021, to the 7th September 2021, 10.30. The deadline to submit a request for clarifications in the tender document or in the procedure is twelve (12) days before the deadline for submission of offers and should be answered through the web portal www.promitheus.gov.gr of ESIDIS (Ε.Σ.Η.ΔΗ.Σ.) up to six (6) days before the deadline for receipt of offers.