The Board of European Regulators initiates collaboration with FCC to the benefit of consumers and businesses
January 7, 2013
The Memorandum of Understanding signed between BEREC and the FCC shall be activated, as
discussed by Dr. Leonidas Kanellos and Mr. Julius Genachowski, during their informal meeting at the
BEREC Plenary in Malta, last December. The two authorities will cooperate by exchanging regulatory
expertise on issues of common interest for Europe and the USA, such as spectrum optimization for
mobile broadband, so as to promote market expansion, social inclusion and consumer welfare.
In his speech before the BEREC Plenary, FCC President outlined the results of the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) conference that was recently held in Dubai and called for an “open
Internet” as a tool for innovation and economic growth. Julius Genachowski also presented the new
spectrum liberalization policy adopted by the FCC, which aims at increasing the availability of
more frequency bands to support nationwide coverage and innovative content delivery. Frequencies
voluntarily released by TV stations in the U.S. against financial remuneration, are auctioned by
the FCC through a specialized process, called incentive auction, to wireless broadband networks.