Successful completion of the 2nd Joint Conference of the Greek and Cypriot Regulatory Authorities (EETT – OCECPR)
March 28, 2013
The second joint Conference of the Regulators of Greece and Cyprus (EETT-OCECPR) was
completed with considerable success, at a critical time for the telecommunication and postal
markets in both countries. Key themes of the conference were the “Regulatory Strategies towards the
Digital Agenda 2020” in the market of electronic communications and the ‘Regulatory Strategy for a
competitive postal market “in the field of postal services. Greece’s General Secretary for
Telecommunications and Post, Mr. Menelaos Daskalakis, gave the opening speech.
The President of EETT and BEREC, Dr. Leonidas Kanellos, restated the firm position of the
Authority for the implementation of a national digital strategy and discussed the perspectives
emerged by EETT’s Presidency of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications
(BEREC) and through EETT’s participation in the European Regulator Group for Postal Services
(ERGP). “Our belief is that in order to overcome today’s challenges it is necessary to rely mainly
on our own forces. As regulatory authorities, it is necessary to work hard, applying the
appropriate regulatory strategy to support development initiatives in the markets we supervise.
Until today EETT’s and OCECPR’s regulatory course proves that we support providers, we remain
flexible and open to creative suggestions. However, we are strict in enforcing the law and in
respecting the rules of “fair play” for the benefit of the market and the consumer “he said.
Dr. Polys Michaelides, Commissioner of Electronic Communications and Postal Services of
Cyprus, referred to the difficulties faced by Cyprus in recent days and highlighted the essential
importance of the two markets in an effort to find a new growth model. He noted the very close
relationship between EETT and OCECPR, which, within the context of their respective
responsibilities and through the exchange of regulatory expertise may play an important role in the
effort of the Cypriot economy towards recovery.
Mr. Menelaos Daskalakis, the General Secretary for Telecommunications and Post, in his speech
said that “Our policy focuses on two main areas, the development of next generation broadband
infrastructure and the development of digital services. In this context, the role of regulators is
crucial since it should facilitate investment, particularly in a strategic sector of the economy,
ensure fair of competition and safeguard consumer rights and finally maximize social benefit. In
the following months, EETT is expected to respond to major procedures within the field of its
activity such as the licensing of telecommunications infrastructure, the tender for network
providers of digital television and the liberalization of the postal market. The fact that Greece,
through EETT, chairs BEREC, in the current period, is an honor for our country, but also a chance
to highlight the particular issues of the Greek telecommunications market in their respective
European organizations. ”
The conference was attended by representatives of the regulatory authorities of the two
countries and senior executives of the Greek and Cypriot market.