Press conference on EETT’s Regulatory Strategy for 2013
February 18, 2013
From left to right: Mr. M. Sakkas, Vice President for the sector of Postal Services, Dr. L.
Kanellos, President of EETT & BEREC, Dr. C. Delicostopoulos, Vice President for the sector of
Electronic Communications
Dr. Leonidas Kanellos, President of EETT & BEREC, along with Dr. Constantinos
Delicostopoulos and Michael Sakkas, EETT Vice Presidents, presented today the Authority’s
Regulatory Strategy for the Greek telecommunications and postal markets during the current
EETT’s action plan is based on the following strategic priorities:
- Promotion of competition and support of investment opportunities in fixed and mobile networks
(VDSL, LTE …), so as to allow provision of innovative services to all citizens. The Authority
shall encourage, through concrete actions, the extension of broadband coverage of the entire
national territory and shall proceed to the reduction of termination rates in the wholesale market
for calls to fixed networks. EETT shall also apply “one stop shop” licensing procedures for
wireless networks. Its action shall be in full compliance with the new European regulatory
framework for electronic communications and postal services. - Safeguarding consumer rights and ensuring their equal access to new services based on
transparency, quality and value based pricing. In this direction, EETT will launch a Retail Price
Observatory for Telecommunications and Postal Services, as well as quality measurement campaigns
for mobile broadband connections and the universal postal service. The Authority shall also
increase market surveillance for radio and telecommunications terminal equipment. Moreover, it
shall increase the availability of web applications for consumer-enabled mechanisms for quality
monitoring and charging control. - Auctioning scarce resources, such as spectrum bands used for the transition to digital
terrestrial television and for the digital dividend. In parallel, EETT shall improve spectrum
monitoring by upgrading the hardware and software of the Spectrum Management System. - Contribution to the shaping of the European regulatory policy, through the Presidency of
the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), combined with the
active participation to the European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP) and the Universal
Postal Union (UPU).