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Title Date Icon 08/06/2017

Opening of the Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission (EETT) 9th International Conference: Electronic Communications & Postal Services in the Digital Single Market

June 8, 2017

The regulatory challenges at European level, the development of NGN in the Greek market and
the prospects for hybrid TV constitute the main subjects of discussion at the 9th International
Conference of the
Hellenic Telecommunications & Post
Commission (EETT)
on “Electronic Communications & Postal Services in the Digital Single
Market” that was launched today.

The President of EETT, Professor Dimitris Tsamakis, in the inauguration speech stressed that
“standing up to the challenges of the new digital era and meeting the objectives of the Digital
Agenda 2020 are top priorities for the social and economic progress of the country. The convergence
towards a Single Digital Market brings along innovative services for consumers and new business
opportunities. To this end, planning, strategy and cooperation of the players involved are required
to optimize the use of the networks and make the most of the opportunities that emerge. Within this
framework, EETT remains a major facilitator and guarantees regulatory stability, ensuring
conditions of fair competition, quality services for consumers and maximum output for the economy.
Our International Conference, with the participation of eminent speakers from both Greece and
abroad, is a valuable opportunity for an exchange of views, discussion of best practices and
presentation of the most updated advancements in the markets of electronic communications and
postal services. A message resulting from the work of the first day of the EETT conference focuses
on the following: The way out of the crisis and for growth is also digital. ”

The second day of the conference focuses on the development of 5G networks and services and
the optimal use of the spectrum as well as the dynamics of e-commerce and the growth prospects in
the postal market.

Distinguished speakers, senior executives representing providers from Greek and international
telecommunications and postal services, as well as officials from the European Commission and
international regulators participate in the Conference.

The speaks and videos of the first day of EETT 9th International Conference are available at

The conference is broadcasted live at

Press contact

Ioanna Alexopoulou

Head of EETT Public Relations Dept.

Τ: +30 210 6151250

M: + 30 6948 782546


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