New EETT Regulation promotes investment in high-speed Internet networks
March 11, 2015
A new Regulation on the collocation of providers on fixed networks for the development of new
generation infrastructure (NGN, NGA) and wireless networks was recently issued by EETT in order to
encourage investment in high speed Internet and simultaneously safeguard competition to the benefit
of the market and consumers.
The implementation of the new Regulation mainly promotes the reduction of deployment costs of
high-speed networks, while in cases of antennae collocations ensures environmental protection. At
the same time and in accordance with the current National and European regulatory framework, EETT
safeguards equal access to infrastructure and regulatory stability.
The new Regulation establishes the terms, conditions and procedures for the provision of
collocation services and the sharing of existing infrastructure, the dispute resolution process and
the ability of EETT to impose obligations on any liable provider by criteria of infrastructure
overlapping, investment costs and the allocation of investment risk.