More than 10 million phone numbers are transferred via portability
October 6, 2016
According to EETT data kept since 2004, more than 10 million of fixed and mobile telephony
connections have been transferred to a new provider while retaining the same telephone number, as
part of the portability process that was introduced by the Authority in order to increase
competition in the market and promote consumer rights. Specifically, from March 2004 until the end
of September 2016, 10,119,777 total numbers were transferred (5,278,836 of fixed telephony numbers
and 4,840,941 of mobile numbers).
The portability of mobile and fixed-line numbers was successfully introduced by EETT with the
launch in 2004 of the National Database Reference for Portability (EVDAF) and has now become a key
competitive factor for growth in the retail telecommunications market, encouraging the transition
of consumers to multiple providers that offer more and more affordable options of bundled services
to telephony and the Internet. Specifically, over the past eight years (2008-2015), ported numbers
per year, mounted in excess of 1 million on average, showing that most subscribers constantly
utilize portability in search of economical programs.
More information on number portability can be found at
https://www.eett.gr/ or at
http://www.foritotita.gr/ which is
EETT’s specific information site on portability. In addition, through EETT’s application ”
Find the provider of a
number” subscribers are able to know whether the call they make is inside or outside their
provider’s network and thus to assess the relative costs of the call.
EETT continues its regulatory and supervisory actions in order to maximize the benefits that
consumers can have from taking advantage of portability through the fulfillment of the obligations
of providers towards them, quality of service improvement and transparency.