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Title Date Icon 06/04/2016

EETT s report on the development of broadband in Greece in 2015

The continuous growth of the broadband market, Greece’s upward trend of convergence with its EU partners in terms of broadband penetration, the ongoing development of LLU and a low growth for VDSL are the main points on the state of broadband in Greece for 2015, according to EETT’s report on the fourth quarter of 2015.

According to EETT’s report and in total for 2015, the key points on the state of broadband in Greece are the following:

  • At the end of 2015, broadband connections reached 3,440,018 compared to 3,156,071 at the end of 2014, an increase of 9% during the year.
  • Broadband penetration in the population reached 31.68% against 28.7% in 2014.
  • Greece in mid 2015 (according to the latest available comparative data between Greece and the other EU countries) ranked 11th among EU countries ascending two places up from 13th in 2014, in terms of broadband penetration, approaching the European average (according to data from the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI).
  • Access via xDSL LLU in December 2015 amounted to 1,905,700 compared to 1,767,466 in December 2014 (an annual increase of 7.8%).
  • OTE’s retail xDSL lines also showed an increase in absolute figures, reaching 1,496,866 lines in December 2015 compared to 1,357,878 in December 2014.
  • The ADSL lines totaled at 25,970 compared to 22,483 in December 2014.
  • The other technologies lines remained low at a rate of 0.3%.
  • The majority of lines (83%) correspond to the nominal speeds of over 10Mbps. It is worth noting that the high-speed lines (over 30 Mbps) now constitute 5.5% of the total broadband lines
    compared to 3.23% at the end of 2014, mainly as a result of increasing the number of VDSL lines.

In particular, for the fourth quarter of 2015, the figures for broadband in Greece are as follows:

  • Broadband in December 2015 amounted to 3,440,018 (31.68% penetration of the population) compared to 3,330,143 in July 2015 (30.3% penetration), an increase of 109,875 lines during the semester.
  • The local loop unbundling (LLU) at the end of 2015 reached 2,047,474 lines, of which 1.905.700 are xDSL broadband while the rest are exclusively related to telephony. The increase during
  • the first half of 2015 amounted to 24,781 lines more than the increase that was recorded during the second half of 2015 (6,753 lines). The percentage of broadband lines through LLU of total broadband lines in the country amounted to 55.4%.
  • The ADSL lines (wholesale) amounted to 25,970 (0.75% of broadband lines) compared to 20,811 in July 2015.
  • The other technologies lines remained at a low rate (around 0.3% of total broadband lines).
  • The percentage of VDSL lines of total broadband lines at the end of 2015 amounted to 5.4% while it was just 4.14% at mid-year. Correspondingly, VDSL penetration in the population remains low (1.7%).

For EETT’s reports on the state of broadband in the fourth quarter of 2015 and the total market for 2014 please visit


Chart 1: Evolution of broadband lines




Chart 2: Evolution of broadband speeds


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