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Title Date Icon 19/12/2012

EETT’s Presidency of the Body of European Regulators of Electronic Communications (BEREC)

19 December 2012


Photo caption (from left to right):
Mr. M. Sakkas, EETT’s Vice President for the postal services sector,
Dr. L. Kanellos, EETT & BEREC 2013 President,
Dr. C. Delicostopoulos, EETT’s Vice President for electronic communications sector,
Mr. G. Papapavlou, Member of EETT Plenary


The priorities of EETT’s Presidency of the Body of European Regulators of Electronic
Communications (BEREC) for the year 2013 were presented by its administration at a press conference
held today at the headquarters of the Commission.

Under the guidance of EETT, the work program of BEREC for 2013 adopts the goals of the
Digital Agenda 2020 and focuses on three pillars, namely the development of next generation access
networks (NGAs), the safeguarding of consumer rights and the promotion of the single market
services in Europe. One of the major priorities of the program is the successful implementation of
the new regulation on international roaming, which among other things provides for a number of
major market reforms. The goal is to help subscribers traveling abroad to enjoy roaming services
from third party mobile carriers, if they consider that they provide better terms of service. The
implementation of this regulation is expected to lead to substantial bill reductions to the benefit
of subscribers per year.

BEREC will also continue its work on net neutrality to ensure that providers will be
restrained from imposing to consumers unjustifiable and unlawful restrictions in terms of access to
services and content. Additionally, special emphasis is placed on BEREC’s cooperation with the
European Commission as part of a new policy to ensure fair competition and attract investments so
as to enable economic recovery in the EU member states.

The President of EETT and BEREC, Dr. Leonidas Kanellos, stated that “EETT will make most of
the Presidency of a European institution, which in itself is a positive message for our country,
with our active contribution in shaping European policy for electronic communications and by
transferring regulatory expertise into the Greek market. Our priority is the development of
state-of-the-art networks as well as the provision of equal access to the Knowledge Society in
favor of the State, the economy and the consumer”.

BEREC is a European Body composed of 27 heads of Regulators of the EU Member States that
advises and supports the European Parliament, the Council, the European Commission and the National
Regulatory Authorities on issues related to the application of the EU regulatory framework for
electronic communications. It maintains an active role in shaping the European regulatory policy
and safeguarding competition to the benefit of the market and consumers.

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