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Title Date Icon 04/03/2016

EETT presents the price observatory for telecommunications and postal products

March 4, 2016

EETT recently presented its new «Pricescope» application, an electronic price observatory for
telecommunications and postal products, an innovative online application that allows consumers to
compare, in a practical and reliable way, the products in fixed telephony, mobile and Internet, and
courier services available in the Greek market. The presentation, which concerned the pilot
operation of the project, was held with the participation of market representatives, the media and
other public institutions.

In particular, the price observatory for telecommunications and postal products has two main
functions; the product search based on specific criteria and the comparison of retail prices.
Moreover, consumers have the opportunity to be informed about new programs, bonuses and promotions,
and create personal service user profiles.

The application consists of two main subsystems:

a) The electronic repository where providers fill and update through a secure web service and in
an integrated manner, pricing information for all commercially available products


b) The electronic observatory which already includes 900 telecommunications products and 80
courier products for consumer use.

It is noted that the project is developed under the operational program “Digital Convergence”
funded by EU (NSRF 2007-2013).

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