EETT participates in the Plenary of the European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP)
July 16. 2014
EETT participated in the Plenary of the European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP)
held recently in Lisbon, with a view of formulating a liberalized and competitive postal market in
the EU.
During the meeting, ERGP approved three reports on the methodology of calculating the net
cost of the universal postal service, on best practices for consumer protection, quality of service
and complaint management as well as on competition and access to the European postal network. The
Plenary also approved the report and actions for the years 2011-2013 which constitute the first
years of ERGP operation, confirming its significant contribution to the regulation of the European
postal market. Still, during the Plenary, the work program of the Group for 2015-2016 was designed,
which will be put to public consultation in late fall 2014.
As part of the Plenary, ERGP, for the first time, sent an open invitation for dialogue with
market participants on the implementation and long term sustainability of the universal service and
its impact on the market. All stakeholders, including postal providers, consumer associations,
organizations and trade unions, as well as e-commerce providers are invited to participate in the
first workshop to be held in Bucharest on November 19, 2014.
EETT actively participates in the work and activities of ERGP that promote coordination and
cooperation of national regulatory authorities in relation to postal reform in Europe. The aim of
EETT is to utilize knowledge and experience of best practices from other countries for further
competitive development of the Greek postal market.
It is noted that in ERGP participate the regulators of the 28 Member States of the European
Union, countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) as well as EU candidate countries.