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Title Date Icon 30/05/2014

EETT launches a public consultation on the Digital Dividend

30th May 2014


The National Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) launches a public consultation,
from May 30th to June 30th 2014, on the licensing process for the granting of the Digital Dividend
for the development of mobile broadband (4G, LTE) to the benefit of the market and the consumers.

According to the Greek legislation, the public consultation is conducted following the
approval by the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transportation and Networks. It concerns the necessity
of the determination of the number of rights of use to be granted in the 800 and 2600 MHz bands,
the conditions and obligations proposed for prospective network providers and the proposed draft of
the Notice of the Call for Tenders for the licensing process of granting these rights.

EETT invites providers, prospective investors as well as market, industry and other
stakeholders to submit their views and comments until Monday, June 30th, 2014 at 13:00. The text of
the consultation is available at EETT’s website ( and at EETT’s offices (60 Kifissias Ave., 151 25 Maroussi,
7th floor, T: +30 210 6151000, F: +30 210 6105049), during working days and hours.

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