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Title Date Icon 22/09/2016

Completion of the tender process for the selection of the Universal Service provider

September 22, 2016

EETT successfully completed today the auction for the selection of the provider that will
deliver “access at a fixed location and provision of telephone services” in the Greek territory
within the framework of Universal Service (US).

The lowest bidder of the auction was Forthnet SA which demanded a maximum compensation of
4.93 million euros. The auction was held in multiple rounds of decreasing price.

It is noted that for the delivery of the US sections of “service directory information and
subscriber lists” and “public phones and other access points to the public voice telephony” the
sole contender that was eventually chosen as US provider was OTE SA and hence, the multiple rounds
auction was not held.

OTE SA will be compensated for providing “service directory information and subscriber lists”
with a maximum of 777,000 euros per year and for providing “payphones and other access points to
the public voice telephony” with a maximum of 2.543 million euros per year.

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