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Title Date Icon 02/10/2014

Auction for spectrum allocation to mobile telephony begins

October 2, 2014

On Monday, October 13, 2014, EETT will conduct a multiple round ascending price auction for
the 800 and 2600 MHz bands aiming at the further development of innovative services (4G/LTE) in
mobile broadband.

The auction will continue until the contested spectrum of three (3) radiofrequency sections
in the 800 MHz band and eighteen (18) radiofrequency sections in the 2600 MHz band are awarded to
the successful tenderers.

It is noted that the allocation of rights in the area of 800 MHz is the so-called digital
dividend, resulting from the spectrum release that followed the digital terrestrial broadcasting.

EETT has already issued entry forms to the bidders and trained them in the electronic bidding

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