


EETT maintains a Registry of electronic communications network and service providers, in which registration declarations for the provision of electronic communications networks and services are registered and kept in electronic form.  The registration declaration constitutes the General Authorization.

To acquire a General Authorization, you are required to:

  • Register to eRegistry, EETT’s web application, through which relevant declarations must be submitted.  
  • Through eRegistry, submit a declaration for a General Authorization, attaching the required documents.   

Approval of a registration declaration

The declaration shall be approved provided that it is fully and correctly completed. The payment of an administrative fee of 300 euro is required for registration to the registry.

Supplementary/Modifying Registration Declaration

You must submit a supplementary or modifying Registration Declaration in the following cases:

  • For the provision of additional electronic communications services and/or networks other than those already described in the initial declaration.  
  • For the cessation, in part or in whole, of the provision of electronic communications services and/or networks included in the initial registration declaration. 
  • For the modification of any of the information disclosed in the initial registration declaration. Any change in such data shall be notified within 15 from its occurrence.

It is noted that where the above deadline of 15 days expires, EETT may, without prior hearing of the person concerned, and provided that it has gathered all the relevant official documentation, amend on its own motion and without any prior notice, the information kept in the registry of providers. 

Adjustment of declarations

EETT shall adjust the registration declarations, where necessary (available in Greek).

Provision of satellite services through mobile terrestrial stations (Point of Service Activation)

Companies that wish to operate as Points of Service Activation (PSA) for the provision of satellite services through mobile terrestrial stations are considered resellers of electronics communications and are required to register to EETT’s registry.  The same procedure applies as in acquiring a General Authorization.

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