

Broadband Report, Q4-2020

The Broadband Report Q4-2020 outlines the development of the Greek broadband market during the end of 2020. Its main findings are:

  • At the end of 2020, broadband connections reached 4.270.473 (up 164.912, compared to end of December 2019). Broadband penetration increased to 39.8%, compared to 38.1% in end of December 2019.
  • The total number of LLU lines (Full-LLU, Sub-full LLU) reached 1.978.176. Full LLU lines represent approximately 88% of them.
  • Unbundled lines represent 36.85% of total broadband lines, while NGA access lines represent 11.07% of them, retail lines by the incumbent operator (OTE) represent 48.26%, Bitstream lines represent 3.5% and the rest 0.32% are lines of other technologies (FWA, fiber, leased lines etc).
  • VDSL penetration reached 12.7% of Greek population.
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