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Dimitris Varoutas, Vice President

Βαρουτας Δημητρης

Professor Dimitris Varoutas has been appointed as the Vice President for the electronic communications sector of the Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission (EETT) in February 2020.

He holds a degree in physics, a postgraduate diploma (MSc) in electronics and radioelectronics and PhD in the design and techno-economic evaluation of optoelectronic systems from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens-NKUA (, where he serves as an Associate Professor in the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications.

He has been appointed for two 4-years terms as an Associate Vice President and Member of the Hellenic Authority for Communication Security and Privacy (ADAE) Plenary from 2007 to 2016 (Jan.).

As faculty member and researcher, he has been participating in research and development projects funded by the European Union (EU) or national funds since 1993. He managed or participated in projects related to technoeconomic or regulatory issues for fixed access broadband networks and mobile networks, on behalf of several public organizations, such as EETT and the Greek State.

His academic interests are focused on electronic communications, technoeconomic analysis of network and services, as well as on regulatory issues regarding Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) infrastructure. He has published more than 120 articles in refereed journals and conferences related to the above issues. Also, he is an active member of editorial boards and scientific committees for journals and conferences, as well as guest speaker at international organizations regarding broadband networks development and telecommunications policy. He is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).


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