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Title Date Icon 20/11/2012

Key role for EETT in support of the new European policy to promote investment in high speed internet

             November 20, 2012

Attracting investment while safeguarding competition have emerged as the main goals of the
new flexible regulatory framework promoted by the European Commission and the Body of European
Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC). The Hellenic Telecommunications & Post
Commission (EETT) assumes a key role in the implementation of this new initiative, in coordination
with the 27 Regulatory Authorities of Europe, in view of the assumption of the Body’s Presidency in

The modalities of implementation and appropriate funding tools – so that investments in
digital technologies will enable economic recovery in the Member States – were discussed during the
extraordinary Plenary meeting of BEREC, recently held in Brussels in the presence of Vice-President
of the Commission and European Commissioner for the Digital Agenda, Mrs. N. Kroes.

Toward this direction, actions such as reducing manufacturing costs in high speed broadband
infrastructure, the implementation of funding programs (Connecting Europe Facility), the
harmonization of costing methodologies and enforcing non-discrimination obligations on providers
will be promoted.

BEREC is a European Body composed of 27 heads of Regulators of the EU Member States that
advises and supports the European Parliament, the Council, the European Commission and the National
Regulatory Authorities on issues related to the application of the EU regulatory framework for
electronic communications. It maintains an active role in shaping the European regulatory policy
and safeguarding competition to the benefit of the market and consumers.


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